Instant insights,

Smarter decisions

Make faster business decisions with effortless
AI-powered data analysis

Get Started

Automating business analytics for enterprise data

  • Instant Analytics
  • Faster Value Creation
  • Easy Visualization
  • Data Privacy
  • Accessible Insights

Empowers teams

ekai enables everyone on your team to analyze data and make informed decisions.

Hides data complexity

Translates complex data into actionable insights accessible to team members at every level.

Ensures data security

ekai integrates into your setup, and does not share or export your data to third parties.

Gain quick insights within minutes


Integrate seamlessly

ekai fits into your existing setup and understands your unique data model to ensure relevant insights.


Chat with ease

It’s like chatting with a colleague! ekai understands natural language, making analytics a breeze.


Always improving

ekai learns from your feedback and customises its responses to align with your business needs.

Transform your workflow


Marketing Specialist

Design better campaigns by leveraging real-time insights to understand your customers better


Supply Chain Manager

Optimize your supply chain from inventory management to logistics for maximum efficiency


Financial Analyst

Unlock insights into budgeting, forecasting, and investment strategies by analyzing historical trends


HR Manager

Optimize your HR strategy with key metrics on talent acquisition and retention


Data Analyst

Streamline your data analyses processes and free up time for deeper exploration


Customer Support Specialist

Gain access to customer details and history that can inform your approach to provide more personalized support


Digital Product Manager

Understand how users are interacting with your digital products and optimize strategies to drive product success

Here’s how to get started

Integrate ekai
with your data stack


Meet our team

Team member 1

Mo Aidrus

Chief Executive Officer

Propels strategic initiatives backed by data-driven insights.

Team member 1


Chief Operating Officer

Blends efficiency with innovation, orchestrating operations with a strategic beat.

Team member 1

Hussnain Ahmed

Chief AI Officer

The catalyst of the team, Always applies AI-first principles to drive innovation.

Team member 1

Maryam Shah

ekai PM

Runs on advocating customer value, recharges with outdoor strolls.


ekai brings you insights from your enterprise data in minutes. It is an AI-native analytics tool that allows users to chat with their data, enabling them to make informed decisions effortlessly. ekai excels at drawing insights from data to support strategic business decisions, while prioritising data privacy and security.

ekai is tailored for data teams and non-technical team members in enterprises, equipping everyone to leverage quick and easy data analytics for informed decision making.

It's pretty simple, ask questions in your own words and get AI-driven insights in natural language. ekai simplifies hidden complexities and allows you to chat with your data, giving you a clear picture through responses and visualizations.

ekai uses Large Language Models (LLM) – a type of model trained on huge amounts of data, enabling ekai to understand and generate responses in natural language. Since the LLM has learned from so many different sources, it might sometimes make mistakes or give varying responses.
ekai can improve its responses with your feedback. While chatting with ekai, make sure to use the Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down buttons under each response based on how satisfied you are with the response.

This is the best part, you don’t need to have any data or engineering knowledge to use ekai. Users can chat with ekai using plain, natural language. ekai offers seamless data integration which you can set up yourself. Our team of experts are also available to assist with data integrations if needed.

ekai prioritises keeping your data secure and in your control. Your data never leaves your environment since we don’t share it with third parties, as a result, no copies of your data are ever retained.

ekai currently supports data sources such as MySQL, ClickHouse, and Athena. However, we are continuously updating our list to include more options, and we also offer custom integrations based on your specific needs. You can always reach out to our team to discuss options tailored to your enterprise’s needs.

The implementation time for ekai depends on the data maturity and documentation quality of your enterprise. It will take less than a month for setups where data modelling and deployment is accurate. For custom integrations or handling unstructured data, the process may take longer, in which case our team will be happy to provide additional support to get you started as quickly as possible.

For publicly available databases, you can link a data source directly through ekai's user interface. For other cases, our team is here to assist you with the integration process, ensuring a smooth setup tailored to your specific needs.